Minimum attendance of 85% is required to be maintained by all students in both theory and practical classes. Any student who fails to secure 85% attendance in either theory or practical sessions will be debarred from appearing in the Examinations and shall not be promoted under any circumstances, including on medical grounds.

The students are required to inform their designated Group Tutor of :
  • Proposed absence in advance, through prior application fromguardian. Please note that birthdays, marriage ceremonies excursions are not sufficient reason for prolonged absence, unless approved by Group Tutor.
  • Absence due to illness, specifying the cause of absence in writing from Guardian/Hostel Warden.
  • Absence due to illness for over 3 days or absence during Assessment Examinationswith a medical certificate and a note from the guardian/hostelwarden.

If the above information is not passed on to the designated Group Tutor, the Institute Authorities may view the same as ‘Serious Misconduct’ and refer the matter to the DisciplinaryCommittee.

Students remaining absent continuously for more than months without permission are liable to be excluded from the Institute rolls.

Punctuality in attending classes is insisted upon. Latecomers will be sent back home unless prior permission is obtained from Group Tutor.

No student will be allowed to leave the college premises on the strength of a letter of request from his/her guardian, unless sanctioned by the Group Tutor.

All students must attend participatory/interactive sessions or tutorials and seminars organized by the Institute where attendance will be strictly monitored.

It remains the student’s responsibility to understand and acknowledge attendance requirements for a specific course/semester and ignorance of the same will not be accepted as a reason for non-compliance with the attendance regulations and procedures of the Institute. Guardians are requested not to appeal to the Institute authorities for consideration regarding inadequate attendance percentage of their wards.